Thursday, December 28, 2006

We Are LID - YAY!!

I received an email today that we now have an LID date of December 11, 2006! The clock has officially started to tick as far as the CCAA goes and we are in line behind everyone before us :)!
Lots of things are happening in the China adoption world. The CCAA has made some pretty big changes effective May 1, 2007. The changes would not affect us even if we were logged in after May 1, 2007, but quite a few people are reevaluating their choices of China because they do not meet the new requirements.
We are currently in Woodward with James and Sue (Lyndal's parents). His brother, Mike, his wife, Michelle, and his family and their two kiddos, Nathan and Brooke, are also here. The kids have had a ball playing. The adults have enjoyed movies, eating, and shopping!

YAY! We have an LID!!!

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