Sunday, June 15, 2008

On the Ski Boat





Ethan and Lyndal went on the ski boat. You have to call it 'ski boat' or else Ethan gets mad. We are scared of him. Ethan borrowed a life jacket from Kevin's daughter Finley, he wasn't too happy that it had some pink on it, but Lyndal emphasized that it had blue on it to him and he finally put it on - don't tell him that Cinderella is on his life jacket! He talked about it for a long time, but I'm not too sure he really liked it. Lyndal rode on the inner tube and when he fell off Ethan got a little nervous. They went with our friend Kevin and his little boy Caden and Kevin's dad. Caden and Ethan fell asleep at the end, riding in the boat makes a kid tired!
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1 comment:

Lyndal said...

It was a wakeboard! Not an innertube. :)