Friday, January 02, 2009


THIS time it wasn't my cooking! YAY!! Somebody in my family thinks that green vegetables are not supposed to be eaten. This person actually thinks that God made a mistake and accidentally put them on the earth, especially, the green beans. I made "Cheesy Shepherd's Pie" tonight. It was actually very good (I thought). I knew the mixed vegetables were going to raise some eyebrows, so I reduced the amount the recipe called for. One member of the family got a 'mini-lecture' on how to keep their opinions to themselves as to not influence others at the table when it came to the partaking of the nutrition. That person was the one who hand picked their greens out of the delicious "Cheesy Shepherd's Pie." So, if you think you know, vote for the one, the one who did not eat their peas or green beans. It probably won't be too difficult.
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1 comment:

Lyndal said...

I voted! ha ha